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Looking for someone to give you encouragement and accountability?

As August begins I know many athletes start to consider their early Spring race choices, including the ever-amazing Spring marathon. Maybe this year you would like to work on shaving off a few minutes? Maybe even a BQ? In any case, why not take things to the next level and hire a coach to help you along the way.

Benefits of a certified run coach (aka, me):

-Support & Encouragement
-Responsive to questions, concerns
-Flexibility to meet the ever-changing landscape of our lives
-Customized training plan
-Run partner (upon request)
-Full intake assessment
-Race day support

The typical introductory package:

$425 for the first month, including

     -Initial intake assessment (90 minutes)
             -Athletic, health and injury history
             -Review of daily schedule
             -Form review
             -Cadence check
      -Weekly customized plan for the first month
      -Two in-person follow up sessions (60 minutes), can include a track or trail session
      -Unlimited access via phone (call or text) or email
Does not include Training Peaks subscription (not necessary but highly recommended)

$325 for each additional month (includes all of the above except the initial assessment)

$100/hour for any additional in-person training sessions

Other packages or a la cart services available upon request.

Please email me directly with questions or to set up an appointment:


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